Under Safe Corridor Demonstration Project (SCDP) multi-sectoral interventions are implemented on Adoor – Kazhakkoottam stretch of MC Road (80km) to demonstrate the effectiveness of road safety best practices considering proven road safety interventions and international good practices.
Lessons from the Safe Demonstration Corridor are used to help District Road Safety Councils (DRSCs) to learn and replicate the model by using funds from the Challenge Fund. The objective of this program is to develop another six “Safe Corridors/Zones” across the State.
Five road corridors are identified for improving as model road corridor under Challenge Fund of KSTP-II. Already, a safe road corridor of 5.5KM stretch of road between Pavangad - Korapuzha in Kozhikode district has been identified and presently in construction stage. Remaining five corridors are to be developed under Challenge Fund Scheme. For these, Detailed Project Report are to be prepared. It is likely that more roads may be identified for implementation under Challenge Fund. The safety improvements proposed by DRSC’s for the identified corridors are summarized below